Saturday, April 17, 2010

A Timely Word

Today, Lad and I read from Proverbs 15:23 (NLT) "It is wonderful to say the right thing at the right time!" Well, those words could not be more appropriate for what is coming in the next few days. Tomorrow I get to fill in preach at a small church in our association. I always am a bit nervous but, for some reason, I am more nervous when it is a new place to speak. This church has agreed to help our church financially every month. Somehow, my preaching is our way of saying "Thanks!" Let's hope I don't reverse their giving and they require me to pay them for the opportunity to preach... Well we'll see.
Then this Tuesday, I will preach the funeral messages for a dear friend from Ebenezer. His death was a surprise, at least to me. Pray for this family. As Solomon said, "It is wonderful to say the right thing at the right time." I pray that the God of all comfort will comfort these in their time of need.
Lad has been working nearly everyday at the hospital so the apartment is still not completely finished. The things left to do need a woman's touch. I help, but she is the brain behind the beauty. Can't wait to have all of you over when we finish.
We sent out our first report this week to our dedicated prayer partners. If you did not get one and you would like to be one of our fifty families who pray for us daily, then let me know. We will try to get our info to you quickly.
We continue with our small group meetings this week. There may be some fluctuation with our times as we gather folks to come. We are farming our area, making contacts and beginning relationships that we hope will lead to our ultimate goal: restoring Hot Springs.
Thank you for your prayers.