Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Like Kids at Christmas

Today we got our cable internet hooked up. Coming from our rural Mississippi dial-up--THIS IS AWESOME!!! Most of you have had high speed for years--well, we haven't. We really are excited about it. I keep telling Dave, "look how fast it is". It really is cool.
I had orientation at work today. It was fine, just slow paced. Tomorrow I hit the floor for my first "real" day of work. I'll work the next two days then off over the weekend.
My apartment is still a wreck and I got home today and just didn't have it in me to work on it. Dave and I spent the afternoon driving around. Since I got lost on the way to work AND the way home from work, I figured it would be smart to figure out my route this afternoon. I have found the way to work without getting on the main, busy, redlight filled roads. That's a huge blessing. I'm only ten minutes from the hospital which seems unreal since I had been driving 45 minutes one way. I miss my big hospital back home, but I'm sure in due time, I'll settle into this new hospital, new routine, new people and new EVERYTHING!
This week, our goal is settling and rest. Then we hit the ground running.

I've noticed that many of you are following our blog! That's fantastic! If you're lurking, please add yourself to our Prayer Partners/Followers. We'd love to know you're lurking around.

Our prayer needs:
1. REST for this weary couple.
2. The many unbelieving residents of Hot Springs.

Stay tuned and in touch.

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