Tuesday, July 27, 2010

What I've been doing instead of blogging

I have to tell you about this book I've been reading. I grabbed it to take to work with me for lunch time reading because I couldn't find anything else quickly. It's a book Dave's mom gave us to read a while back and I never got to. But I laughed, I hurt, I cried, then I sobbed, and I was convicted over it.

I think everyone should read this book--"Same Kind of Different As Me" by Ron Hall and Denver Moore. Maybe you've heard of it, maybe you haven't. But I recommend it. No, I insist you read it. I found a couple sites where you can order it online for less than $5--you can't beat that!

As we're planting Jesus in Hot Springs, God is sending us some people that I'd like to keep at arms length--but we can't! We have to love them and get to know them--without judging or condescension. We have to share Jesus with them and then invest in their lives as we try to disciple them and bring them (and us) closer to the Lord.

I was so convicted of my biases and prejudices as I read this book, but it was so applicable to what we're doing here. And it is so applicable to your life too. Jesus sends some people into your life that aren't the kind of people that you want as your new BFF. But Jesus calls us to be more than spiritual snobs to these people. He wants us to play a part as He restores them to Himself.

Bottom line: Read this book--then leave me a comment telling me your thoughts on it!



  1. I've missed your posts more than you will know. Seems like I need to be getting me a book to read as I have some of those same thoughts you've mentioned above. Sounds as God is working through you guys to reach out and spread his word, Praise the Lord! There isn't a day that goes by that I don't miss you but know you are doing what God has put on your hearts. Continued prayers for the work you and Dave are doing there in Hot springs. Love you guys bunches!

  2. Great book. Read it several months ago. You can actually find them at most Family Dollar stores (that's where I got mine).

  3. Love when you post! This is a book we've had on our "to read" list for a while. Great suggestion about Family Dollar -- will try to remember to look next time I'm in there. Our reading time is about to get very limited; will try to finish up Radical soon (we're almost done!). =)

    Love you so much!
