Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Constant reassurances

It's really late and I have to work the next two days. Expect a longer post on Friday. But for tonight, let me just say that God keeps reminding me that He brought us here.
If you've scrolled all the way down to the bottom of the blog, you'll find the quote that I keep telling myself. It isn't scripture, but is basically a paraphrase of God's promises in His Word. I had a really tough day at work Saturday even after working as hard as I could. I was so down. Today God provided me reassurance that He's responsible. I got some very good comments today at work. (More to come on that later...) He has a plan for me. He wants what is best for me. My obligation is to devote myself wholly to Him.
Please pray for me. I want to be wholly devoted. Maybe it sounds selfish, but I want to keep myself devoted if for no other reason but so that God will be responsible for me. Don't misunderstand me. I want to be devoted because I love Him, but in the spirit of full disclosure, I love that He is willing to take control of my life and the things that are allowed into it.
I hope you are willing to be fully devoted too.

Stay tuned and keep in touch. I'm loving the comments that people are leaving! Keep them coming! It keeps me blogging to know that people out there are reading.


PS - More pics to come this weekend (when I'm not working)


  1. My continued prayers for you guys. :-)

  2. Hi Lad and David,

    I just heard about the move recently -- planting churches anywhere is challenging. You guys can stop in sometime -- Benton isn't that far away.

    Rich Hamlin
