What a difference a year makes, huh?... One year ago on July 1st I found out I had a tumor in my groin. The next morning, I had surgery to remove it at Forrest General in Hattiesburg. A few weeks later, while at Bogg Springs teen camp and after taking a CT scan, I found out the cancer had spread to lymph nodes near my kidneys and that chemo was likely. 3 months of chemo, a little lost hair, millions (maybe a SLIGHT exaggeration) of needle pricks, and many prayers from amazing family and friends later-Dr. Bellare texted me on December 23rd that I had no sign of cancer in my body. HALLELUJAH!
Still to this day, God has seen to it that I have No sign of cancer in my body.
One year... So much has happened in one year. I have seen so much, felt so much. And yet I feel like I have learned two consistent things: 1. I have some truly marvelous friends who have prayed for Lad and me month after month, day after day, (and now) for a full year. I want to say thank you for all who pray for us here in Hot Springs. God IS moving here. We are seeing God move here. But I also want to thank those of you who pray for my health.

I have seen a new doctor and we have another CT scan schedule soon. Also, my chemo damaged my lungs and we have to do breathing tests every six months. I'll have that done in a few weeks.
The other significant thing I learned this year is that God is still on the throne. Ain't that good news? He's the ultimate authority, and reigns supremely. You can't impeach him, dethrone him, or out vote him. He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. And I need Him. He never left me through this last year, and He's not about to start this year. I have never known of my need for Him more than I did this last year, and He came through with flying colors.
This year was tough, but I just wanted to say Thank you to all of you. Thank you for your prayers. Whether you prayed consistently or inconsistently, THANK YOU! But I wanted to thank the Almighty. Words cannot express my gratitude for letting me live another day for Your glory.
What does this next year hold? I don't know... but I want to live every last minute of what I have left for Jesus Christ.
Looking back at the year is a reminder the amazing God we serve! I can't thank Him enough for you, Lad, and the work He has for us to do together. Praying, praying for your health reports to continue to be good ones. btw, That's a great picture of you two! ♥!